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Spanish Riding School.... offers three different programs... which to choose?

The Spanish Riding School.... offers three different programs... which to choose? (1) Performance; (2) Morning Exercise; and (3) A Tribute to Vienna.
If I was to consider just one of the three, what would you recommend? Should I consider more than one?

Thank you.

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985 posts

I've seen the Lipizzaner horses perform in the U.S. and they were amazing. If it were me I would do all three programs. It would be difficult for me to choose only one but if I had to it would be the Tribute to Vienna - horses and the Vienna Boys Choir too, but you only get the horse highlights - boo.

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183 posts

It depends on your interests. The tribute thing is a recent invention. I'm sure it's nice but it seems like a weird amalgam for the tourist trade. The classic performance is the full menu and includes all the airs. If you go it is worth the high price tickets to sit close to the ring and have the best perspective on the quadrille. The morning work is a training session. Same horses, same riders but training. You will see some airs but unlikely to see all. More time with the younger horses and students. The training is very calm. Very workmanlike. But if you are not horsemen might be somewhat hard to really follow what is happening. Seating is in the upper areas--not assigned.
All three are presented in the beautiful winter school. All provide a different perspective on the work and tradition of the SRS.
Whatever you choose please respect the regs on photos, take a moment to check out the gift shop, and wear something warm as the hall is comfortable for working horses not spectators.

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35 posts

We visited Vienna last December. We saw a midday performance. I enjoyed it thoroughly. For me, that was enough. If you're really into riding, you might enjoy more than one performance, but for the average visitor, one would probably be plenty.. I would also check out the cost and availability of tickets. It is expensive and tickets sell out quickly.

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3471 posts

It depends on how into them you are. On the day before we watched the Morning Exercise, we happened to be in the Hofburg as the afternoon performance horses were being returned to the stable. That was great - we could see some of the horses looking out of their stalls into a courtyard - those were some of my favorite pictures of the entire trip. The next day we showed up for the Morning Exercises. You will watch "exercises" and not a performance rehearsal. But we got to see the venue and some horses - for us that was enough.

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84 posts

I attended only the morning exercise, I really enjoyed it. I also purchased a CD of the music they play during the performances, one of my favorite CDs.