My wife and I are leaving for a 3 week trip to Europe next week. We had planned to take an afternoon train from Munich to Salzburg on 10/11, stay there on 10/12, and then take an 11am train (via Brenner Pass) to Venice on 10/13. We've already booked a B&B in Salzburg for 2 nights and the train from there to Venice, but was planning to just buy train tickets from Munich to Salzburg at the Munich HBF.
Given the recent developments regarding the Syrian refugee crisis in Salzburg (and Austria in general) we're reconsidering our stay there. This will be my first trip overseas since I was a kid, and is essentially the trip of a lifetime for us (so far), so we've booked many things in advance so that things will go smoothly. We're not completely risk averse people and I don't want to come off like this is a knee jerk reaction to the situation, but this could put a dent in our plans.
We're not worried about the refugees themselves as I understand they are just trying to find a better life (and in general aren't present in the tourist areas), but obviously train travel in the area has been impacted greatly. I've been watching this story closely for the last few weeks and I was hoping it wouldn't have a major effect on us (since we're travelling in the opposite direction of the refugees) but I now see that all train travel between Munich and Salzburg has been suspended for ~2 weeks. It seems that crossing the border is now quite a hassle, and getting from Munich to Salzburg will require some combination of local train, bus, or taxi, and I have read reports from people in the Vienna and Salzburg train stations that it's a zoo.
We were only planning on staying there for a day and a half, and the amount of time we could stay in town would be reduced if travel time is greatly increased. So given all this, should we look at alternate plans or are we being paranoid? I know things could change quickly, but I'd rather have a plan in place before we start travelling instead of scrambling while we're there.