Hey Stevers! (Is there a name for Rick Steves fans? Rickets?) I'm leaving Prague on April 16 and stopping in Salzburg and Vienna before flying home from Budapest on May 3. I need advice from somebody who's been there.
I want to take trains on every leg of the journey, except I HAVE to do some kind of Danube boat thing, right? Any idea where? In between cities, or a day trip out of a city?
I realize this is a looong time to see this part of the world. I figured 6 days in Salzburg, 6 in Vienna, and 4 in Budapest. Should I stop in Cesky Krumlov? Melk? Would I need a car in either location? I love Unesco World Heritage Sites.
Also, is there somewhere in the neighborhood I missed? I'm in no hurry and have no problem with hanging out somewhere picturesque and drinking coffee and/or mulled wine.