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Salzburg, Vienna & Innsbruck

I am planning my first trip to Europe and it's a bit overwhelming. Our first week there my 9 year old daughter and I will be traveling solo while my husband is working in Frankfurt. We are flying into Vienna. I want to see so many things but know I need to be realistic and not rush through cities. For those of you who have been how long do you feel is best to see sites in Vienna, Salzburg and Innsbruck? Any ideas, tips, suggestions, must see places would be greatly appreciated. I am driving my husband bonkers with my indecisiveness. Thank you in advance!!

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9222 posts

hh just my opinion, but I would skip Innsbruck and substitute another destination in Germany. Innsbruck is nice enough place, but I can't think of anything special to see there, especially with a 9-yr old. The olympic ski jump is not that interesting.

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1006 posts

I have only been to Salzburg and Innsbruck, so I can't comment on Vienna, though I suspect that is the city that will require the most time to fully enjoy. In Salzburg I would suggest a minimum of 2 whole days just to enjoy Salzburg and not to take any day trips to surrounding areas. If you are going on day trips or tours outside of Salzburg, I would suggest longer. I would suggest possibly touring the fortress, Mirabell Gardens, the produce market, the Mozart houses, St Peters Cemetery, the "catacombs" (not actually catacombs) above the cemetery, Augustiner Beer Garden, and spending time wandering through the squares. Innsbruck I would give one full day to just see the city, but it has been longer since I was there just to qualify that opinion. Both are very beautiful cities, but Salzburg is my favorite of the two.

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3696 posts

With a child and not wanting to rush I would probably just do Vienna and Salzburg with a few day trips from Vienna. Melk abbey for sure. Not so much moving around and time to enjoy each other. Of the two my favorite is Salzburg. It is such a nice size to walk as well as take a SOM tour. Have a great trip and let your child do a little planning as well.

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516 posts

I would give 2-3 days for Salzburg. Depending if you want to take a daytrip to the lakes district. Skip Innsbruck. Melk Abby is beautiful but not for a 9 year old. Vienna is awesome. So much to do and see. You could spend a week easily in Vienna.

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21768 posts

My experience with Vienna was that I wanted to be someplace else after two days, but everyone's interests are different and you should plan at least 3 full days. But have a Plan B if Vienna doesn't light your fire. What worries me is the tourist circuit is pretty "adult" hopefully someone will chime in with some kid friendly ideas. if your plans take you a little further south I know lots of kid friendly activities, I am just not familiar enough with Vienna to be much help.

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5589 posts

I have a 9 year old and live in Vienna; have also been to all the places you mention. I assume you have 7 days and it would be helpful to know when this trip is happening.

With a week, I would pick two bases. Vienna, obviously, and then I would choose Salzburg or a place in the alps like Seefeld. Austria has great facilities for kids, so it makes a great destination.

Vienna - Yes, lots of kid-unfriendly (but nice for adults) activities, but there are fun things to be found if you look. I assume that you do not intend to drag your kid to the numerous art museums, the opera and other high brow activities that Vienna is most famous for. With your daughter, I would suggest 3 full days in Vienna and I would include the following:

  • Schonbrunn Palace (don't go inside, it will be boring), but do visit the children's museum where she can dress up and act like a princess; visit the zoo; visit the maze and labyrinth.
  • Haus der Musik, an interactive music museum in the first District
  • A tour of the center of Vienna, maybe in a carriage. -Visit Stephansdom and climb the tower for the view -Walk down the Graben, go down Kohlmarkt and visit a café or two (I suggest Demel and Café Central for their exceptionally beautiful cakes.
  • Prater; ride the Ferris Wheel and check out the other rides. Rent bikes and cycle down the Haupt Allee.
  • Go to the Alte Donau, rent paddle boats and take a picnic; alternatively go to the Donauinsel and explore
  • Kindermuseum (Children's Museum) in Vienna is fantastic; the aquarium is nearby.
  • Go shopping at the Naschmarkt and have lunch there
  • Eat a schnitzel as big as your head.

As for the rest of your trip, I personally would suggest a more rural location, perhaps within easy reach of Salzburg. I had mentioned Seefeld above as we had such an amazing week there last August with our kids. It is a bit far, however, from Salzburg. An alternative would be to stay in the Salzkammergut region - look for St. Wolfgang or St. Gilgen. You might even want to consider staying at a farm, which is a very popular thing to do in Austria. This link allows you to search the hundreds of farm stays:

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11613 posts

Emily's post makes me want to travel like a 9-year-old!

Posted by
18 posts

Thank you all for your input and advice, I really appreciate it.

I never realized how much planning and coordination planning a European trip entailed.

Emily your advice was wonderful being one that lives in Vienna. I will definitely look at the farms, that is a great idea! Do you have any suggestions on places to stay in Vienna? I would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks again everyone!

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8205 posts

Interesting that no one mentioned the Spanish Riding School show in Vienna, which I'd expect a 9-year old to think was one of the best things on the trip - a lot more interesting than the Hapsburg tombs! This does require long-advance purchase.

We thought Innsbruck was lovely, and I think your daughter would enjoy the piers and docks, and the cable car ride and a snack on top of the mountain beside downtown - as I remember, no bus ride needed to get there. Because we had an Austrian Air smaller plane from Vienna, the trip to Innsbruck was very scenic, and almost scarily close to the mountains.

I think it's important not to attach our love for The Sound of Music and Mozart to someone who may not (?) be familiar with either of them. For example, I thought it was touching that the US military governor asked to be buried in Salzburg. But cemeteries are not at the top of any 9-year old's list, are they? I found the marionette theater disappointing (and how many 9-year olds like Opera?, but I was 55 at the time. I liked 3 nights in Salzburg, I'm just trying to put on a child's shoes!

There are a lot of applied (and/or "folk") art museums in Austria, some quite large, which I really enjoyed. But along with the Christmas creches she'll love, come the many ceramic John the Baptist platters. Be ready to explain that one ...

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3696 posts

I think she will love Salzburg if you both watch The Sound of Music together...My grandkids have all seen it a number of times and maybe deep down they think its goofy...but they humor me! But, even without that connection I have taken 2 kids there and it was one of their favorite places. Also, give her a little taste of Mozart...
I took one of the grandkids to Melk Abbey and they loved it...beautiful view, nice break from city life, can't see what's not to like...
I wouldn't miss it. If I remember, it was also a lovely ride out there.

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5589 posts

Dates and budget per night are needed to recommend a hotel.

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18 posts

Emily we arrive in Vienna on Jume 21 and plan to stay 2-3 nights. I don't have a budget not a crazy expensive hotel, something nice, clean and in a convenient location and not a dump. emphasized text

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5589 posts

You should note that your dates include a 4 day weekend in Austria as June 19 is a public holiday and many people will take Friday, June 20 off as well (also school is out both of those dates). For hotels in Vienna, I would suggest staying in Districts 1-9 for proximity and ambiance. Please do yourself a favor and avoid the areas around the train stations - particularly Westbahnhof.

I did a quick look at, my favorite place to book hotels (100% success rate for me after dozens of bookings). On your dates, I can personally vouch for the K+K hotels in Vienna, both the Palais and the Maria Theresia, which both have rooms. These hotels are located in nice areas close to sights. I can also personally recommend the Hotel Beethoven, also available on your dates. If you narrow down your list and want to run them by me for thoughts, please feel free to do so.

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516 posts

Also at Schonbrunn Palace is a butterfly conservatory, huge park, zoo, and a carriage house.

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5589 posts

The butterfly house is located next to the Hofburg; it is not at the Schonbrunn.

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328 posts

As soon as I saw your post I immediately thought of the Spanish Riding School. When my sister and i were just a little older than 9, we visited Vienna. The two things that stand out in my memory from that visit were 1: the previously mentioned schnitzel as big as your head and 2: the Spanish Riding School. We couldn't get tickets to the Spanish Riding School for the whole family so just my father and sister went to see the show. I will always remember it as being a highlight of our time in Europe for her.