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Salzburg to munich

crossed border today the line of cars didn't seem very long.. We went by bus and were pulled off bus for passport checks. We made it to Munich no thanks to Austria. Very little help and not very good information. Some of the Austrian citizens came up to us and told us that we should complain to the police as they aren't taking care of the holiday travelers. It was very confusing. We were told that a bus would take us to the border town of frassinglein but that did not happen. We ended up following other lost people and finally took bus 2 and then bus 24(which wasn't running regularly) and then walked to train station. We were also pulled off bus by police and had to show passport. All in all not a very good border crossing. A taxi would have helped some but we were told long border lines which was not the case. Train are not running from Austria to Germany and that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon from what I heard. When you get on the bus if you have a train ticket you do not need a bus ticket. Some people due to language problems were still buying tickets. A solution would be for Austrians to run a separate bus to the border from the train station. It was pretty confusing and a pretty long day just to go a few miles over the border . Just thought I might help some fellow travelers.i was told bus 24 does not run on Sunday but can't confirm

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21749 posts


20:09:15 Salzburg main station - Freilassing Update 37 Traffic restrictions

Following a statement by the German authorities of traffic is set to and from Germany from Salzburg until further notice.
Local trains the S3 between Salzburg Liefering and Freilassing can not operate. Currently, no rail replacement bus service can be set up. There are buses on line 24 from the center of Salzburg and about Mülln Liefering to Freilassing. Connection to S3 is in Salzburg Mülln-old town (bus stop Strubergasse). Sundays served by line 24 only between Forellenwegsiedlung and Freilassing, connection to the center of Salzburg with line 4.
long-distance trains to West Austria / Switzerland and the opposite direction (Corridor trains) are back as planned over Rosenheim.

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51 posts

If I were in Germany and only going out to Austria for a quick visit to Salzburg I wouldn't go! It's not set up to get you back to Germany. You can get out of Germany but cannot get back. Why bother with all the hassle? Just enjoy sights in Germany until they figure it out. Right now the refugees are their main concern. The tourists are left to fend for themselves. Which right or wrong is just the facts. Not saying anything politically just saying don't go to Austria under current conditions.

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1 posts

September 20 noon. Trains between Salsburg and Munich appear not to be running. Our train was canceled. We were going to return our rental car in Salsburg and take the train to Munich. We decided to just take the car to Munich and drop it there. There was a $100 additional charge. There was a slight back up at the border crossing but it looks like clear sailing on to Munich. If there is any change I will update.

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19350 posts

Bus 24 goes from the old town of Salzburg (Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz) to Freilassing. Bus 24 does not go the the Freilassing Bahnhof. Instead it goes up Münchnerstrasse in Freilassing. I think the best stop to get off the bus is in front of Rupertskirche, at Martin-Oberndorferstr. From the Rupertskirche stop, walk back 1½ blocks to Lindenstrasse; turn right onto Lindenstrasse. From there is is about ½ km to Rupertsstrasse. At Rupertsstrasse, there is an underpass connecting to a tunnel under the tracks at the Bahnhof. Go through the tunnel (stay out of the bike lane) and turn right to the Bahnhof.

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35 posts

So we are scheduled to take the train (already have tickets) from Salzburg to Munich on Oct. 9. So the news about the trains between Salzburg and Munich being stopped is obviously a concern. I have a couple of questions:

  • What other options do we have to get from Salzburg to Munich? Will all the buses be completely swamped, and impossible to get tickets? And which bus should we try and take?
  • Do we have any options for getting a refund on our already purchased tickets? How would one go about getting a refund from OEBB?
  • Should we dump our plans for going to Salzburg altogether, and head directly to Munich from Lucerne?

I'm hoping the situation gets resolved in the next couple of weeks, else we'll have a nice little problem to overcome quickly....

Thank all in advance...

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2 posts

Thanks for the info, Cynthia. Did you have to buy a new train ticket from Freilassing to Munich? I have a ticket for Salzburg to Munich for Monday that I bought a month ago. Just wondering if that will work or if I need to rebook. Thanks again.

(I also posted this in another thread on this topic)

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2 posts

We took a taxi from Salzburg into Freilassing. It cost €30. Short lines to get across the border in a cab. Then it was an easy train ride from there into Munich. No problems at all. We did this on Monday the 28th

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35 posts

Hi Cfdt52,

Thanks for the info....what time of day did you take the taxi into Freilassing? I've been watching the traffic reports, and it seems like the wait times to cross the border vary widely, from a few minutes to over an hour. Just curious if you crossed very early in the day, in the middle of the day, or very late....

By the way, here is the link to the local Salzburg traffic report map:


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19350 posts


if you have a Bahn ticket, you should not have to rebook. It should be valid no matter when you get on. If it includes a reservation (EC), you have to claim your seat within a certain time after the train leaves the first station, so you might have to get a new one, but since the train is starting in Freilassing, it might not be a problem. If you are taking a regional (Meridian) train from Freilassing to Munich, you should not have a problem at all (there are no reservations on that train).

However, note that if ticket's for a RailJet (and if they are even running from Salzburg to Munich at that time), the RailJet does not stop in Freilassing.