Stupid question. I bought a couple of jars of rock salt at the airport in Austria to take home as gifts. My daughters asked how to use it, and after looking it up, I found that you shouldn't use it for cooking unless it says "edible." Well the label doesn't say edible, but since I bought it in a food section, I assume it can be used in cooking. Apparently rock salt has impurities that aren't removed?
Thanks for any help with this...just want to be sure!
The salt is available in refined and unrefined form. We sometimes buy it but at supermarkets. We have been using the unrefined salt for a few months and we are here to tell the story.
Thank you for letting me know. I guess it is safe to use!
I wouldn't assume anything. Perhaps you could use it in the bath. The level of impurities in one jar are no guarantee that the next jar is safe.
You can use the salt for cooking, especially if you bought it in the food section of the shop.
"Steinsalz", i.e. rock salt, is a general term to distinguish salt from the mountains (as in Austria) from salt originating from the sea.