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RailJet dynamic pricing?

Dear fellow travelers,

Thank you in advance for your information and experience!

Is RailJet pricing dynamic, like the airlines?

Or it is as another travler said in a different thread that once the lowest fare (for a particular departure) is gone, the lowest price will not come back?

It may not be possible, I will ask regardless.
Would it be possible to find out (or guess?) when the next price jump will be?

If the itinerary matters, it is a journey from Vienna to Budapest.
I bought a ticket at 19 euro, and the price jumped to 24.
If the price may come down, I will wait; otherwise, I will purchase additional tickets now.



Posted by
34134 posts

It will only continue to rise. It will go up again but you can't predict when.

Posted by
2281 posts

The price will never go down. If and when the price goes up is unpredictable (for passengers) because it depends on the number of tickets sold for a particular train. The higher the number, the faster the price goes up.

It happened to me that I once got a €19 ticket from Vienna to Budapest just 3 days prior to departure. It turned out that the train was about 10% filled with passengers.

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5697 posts

And we once booked tickets (with seat reservations) for that segment and when we got on the train we chatted with a young woman who spent much of the trip standing in the aisle because the train was full and she had been unable to book a seat reservation. So not only did she pay more, she got less comfort.

Posted by
32 posts

Dear Nigel, wmt1 and Laura B,

Thanks a lot for your information and experience!

I think I will just go ahead and purchase the remaining tickets for this trip, and
when seat reservation open, I will book our seats as well.

Best regards!