I am planning to purchase a ticket for the Westbahn train from Vienna to Salzburg. The Superpreis is (obviously) the best price for the time I prefer. I saw this regarding the superpreis and have a question about its meaning:
Your benefits at a glance:
Free cancellation before starting your trip**
You can also use the ticket in any other train the same day***
Not personalized and therefore transferable
Does "you can also use the ticket in any other train the same day" mean that I can purchase a ticket for the 7:09 train but go on the 8:09 train if I prefer?
That sounds too good to be true; I could purchase at the lowest rate, and ride when I want. Thanks in advance.
I did read that the man in seat 61 prefers the Westbahn over Railjets because of the double decker train.