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Police Report

I need to file a police report for my stolen luggage but I’m not currently in Austria. Is there any possible way to do it online or over the phone? It’s for insurance purposes. I wasn’t able to do it when I was there because I had a flight to catch.

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8373 posts

Do you really think that filing a loss report on your homeowners' insurance is worth the effort?
I purchased another house last week. When I went to insure it, they asked about the number of claims made over the last 5 years. I had a burglary claim a year ago, and a 4 wheeler (ATV) was stolen 2 years ago from my daughter's house (in my name). Now, homeowners' insurance premiums are twice the normal rate as a high risk. By the time I can get back on standard rates, I could have paid out of pocket for the items stolen 3x. I was flat turned down for insurance by a # of companies.

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12250 posts

If it is for some sort of insurance that is not your homeowners policy, it would help if you could tell the forum here the theft took place to make it easier to provide useful suggestions.

As David said, it may be counter productive, in the long run, to file on your homeowner policy

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3 posts

It’s for my renter’s insurance. My deductible is only $500 but the lost amount is almost $1900. The theft took place in Westbahnhof station.

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2352 posts

I had my son - who is living in Vienna - asking the police about the procedures in such a case. He got the information that it should be sufficient for the insurance that you file the theft at your local police station, including the information why it was not possible to report it to the Viennese police.

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3 posts

Oh thank goodness. That sounds like something I can definitely do. Thank you!!

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8293 posts

Before filing with your local police department, it might be a good idea to see if that actually would be sufficient for your insurance company..

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17604 posts

The circumstances described by David ( a high-risk rating based on past claims) do not apply here, as the theft was far from your home. I filed a claim on my homeowner's insurance for a theft like that, a car breaking-in at a motel 300 miles from my home that resulted in the loss of some $1200 in camping gear. The claim was paid promptly and my rate was not affected.

But as Norma suggests, do ask your insurance carrier if a local police report would be sufficient.