I'm still work shopping our trip in Sept and had been contemplating Switzerland, Venice and Austria - but I want to see too many places in Swit to make our time frame work, so I'm thinking of just concentrating on Venice (and stopping in places like Verona, Vicenza, Bolzano) and Austria and saving Swit for another time.
So, we've ***already been* to Salzburg** and don't need to return. Looking at a map, Innsbruck jumps out at me, And Vienna is on hubby's must see list. Also contemplating Linz. If you had 9 nights for Austria, how would you split them up. I was thinking of Hallstatt, but it seems to me it's starting to turn in Cinque Terre, so I'm not really caring if we go.
I'm 90% sure we won't have a car and will be relying on trains. Odds are we will be coming from Venice/Bolzano, passing thru Austria, and maybe heading for Prague...