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oktoberfest in Austria,Hungary,Czeck, ect.

I will be in this area from Aug 15 to Oct. 15. I can't plan my routing as of now but I am concerned with b&b availability during Oktoberfest times. It's my view that this event is celebrated at different days all over Europe? Oscar from Roseville

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2350 posts

The real Oktoberfest is celebrated in Munich (Germany) for about three weeks, starting in the fourth week of September. All other events in different countries which call themselves Oktoberfest are poor imitations not worth visiting.

Accommodation in Munich during the Oktoberfest is extremly expensive, prices go up to five times as normal. People rent out their own living rooms to make as much money as possible. If you want to attend, try to get a room as early as possible with a confirmed price.

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4684 posts

Yes, the true Oktoberfest is only in Munich. There are increasingly imitations in other European cities but they will be small-scale local events that will have no effect on accomodation availability or pricing.