we are planning a family trip around the Tyrol and Salzburg region in june. we will be flying roundtrip munich. we are contemplating if we should stay one week in the area around innsbruck or drive further south to the italian dolomites and stay in alpes de siusi. we are visiting this region for the first time. innsbruck is lot closer , but from the pictures the italian dolomites scenery look breathtaking. we will be going to salzburh region after tyrol and finally returning from munich.
we will be traveling with 2 small kids (5 and 2) and list of some things we usually love doing-
1) stay in charming countryside villages
2) choice of good food and apartment accomodation
3) some entertainment and activites for kids like pools, parks, toboggan, outdoor fun, campsites etc.
4) beautiful drives
5) some "fun' in the snow / glacier or watching skiers (if its possible in june)