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Need to choose between visiting Rottenburg or Neublingen.

I understand that both cities are walled and Rottenburg is a tourist destination would like input on which you like best. Also if I choose to go to Rottenburg ideas on where to stay would be appreciated.

Posted by
9161 posts

George, I am guessing you mean Rothenburg. I've never been to Neublingen, but suggest that if you do go to Rothenburg, stay overnight. It is lovely after the main groups of tourists are gone.

Posted by
21693 posts

Yeh, Neublingen isn't showing up on my "Strassen und Reisen".

Posted by
4183 posts

And did you mean to post in Germany rather than Austria?

Posted by
26 posts

So sorry, Senior brain freeze on question. I meant Rothenburg ob der Tauber and Nordlingen. I will visit Stuttgart first and than plan to take train to Rothenburg and would stay overnight with next night destination in Nordlingen. Would like impressions of both cities along with places you might suggest to stay.

Posted by
8 posts


Definitely do Rothenburg and stay 2 or 3 nights. We usually stay at Gerberhaus a wonderful B& B.
2 must do's are the night Watchman tour, you meet in the town square not sure of the time but your hotel will know and no need to make reservations just show up. The other is to walk the wall. If you stay 3 nights you could easily day trip to Nuremburg.


Posted by
16 posts


Several years ago my adult daughter and I did 2 weeks from Rome to Amsterdam. While in Munich we went to Rothenburg for the day. We took an early train in, spent the whole day there and took a late train back. It was wonderful! We covered the entire town in one day. I don't know about overnight accommodations, but you can certainly do it in a day or two and head on to your next destination. It all depends on how much you are trying to see.

Posted by
19348 posts

I stayed one night in Nördlingen in 2007. I can't find the place where I stayed back then. It was nice and real handy to the train station. A while back they moved to a new location and disappeared. However, use the Nördlingen town website's list of accommodations. It's in German but the layout is fairly intuative.

Update: I just found their new property, Wengers Brettl. The website is in German (sorry). There is an email address. As I remember, the owner spoke good enough English to give me directions.

Posted by
703 posts

We recently visited both and stayed in a hotel just outside the walls of Rottenburg for a few nights while their annual festival was on. while obviously touristy it was a great place to visit. Nordlingen was a nice town to stop in at, on the way through, but we preferred Rottenburg. The hotel was hotel Rappen ( in the new part)
If you visit Rottenburg and see the night watchman tour occurring, take the time to count the heads, multiply by the amount they pay, multiply by how many days a week ( with probably an endless supply of tourists) and work out his hourly rate. also consider little to no overheads. I would swap him jobs in a flash !

Posted by
34584 posts

Is George still interested in these answers? The question was asked in April. Maybe he has made his mind up by now?

note - this question about Germany is in the Austria Forum if you are trying to find it again.