As others have posted, you will need to make a detour to find anything with good views. You don't mention time of year, which matters quite a lot.
Oetscher is a superb trip. You can access the Oetschergraben by rail (Wienerbruck), walk up the valley, go up the Raherkam (it's a scramble with some exposure although you don't need a rope but be careful of weather -- lightning is a hazard), over the Oetscher summit to the hut and sleep there (long first day). Day two you can hike over to Gemeindealpe on what is basically a ridge walk, and walk down lift down to another rail station in Mitterbach. There is a spectacular new hut on Gemeindealpe where you can have lunch. I have done this in the fall and it's gorgeous that time of year. There are some steep sections in both days, so you will feel that you got your money's worth. :-)
Maybe this site would be useful:
Several very long routes, but you can certainly segment them.
Hochschwab might also be good.
Be careful to check that huts are open on your dates and make sure you have insurance coverage for a rescue. The rescue crews WILL charge you and a helicopter ride out of the mountains is pricey.
We have an English speaking section of the Alpenverein in Vienna and our past events are archived. You might find some good ideas here:
If you open the trip sheets, there will be info on transport, huts, etc.
Be safe and have fun!