I am not implying anything , I straightforwardly made comments that I felt were rather clear . I will continue -- you indicate that you and your fellow visitors found the site " like a cleaned up summer camp " or words to that effect . What did you expect to see ? , the physical detritus of the Nazi ideology ? When I visit a war museum , I am not expecting to see war dead scattered about . Some sense of propriety ( and practicality ) needs to inform how this is presented , You tell me that the delayed presentation of the camp speaks volumes , but the guide does not tell you why , what conclusion does anyone draw from that ? It does insinuate that the place is not worth the time . I would not draw that conclusion . As far as an " Auschwitz like experience " , It was there , right before the eyes of anyone who took the time to look - the crematoria in " the basement room " and the Piano wire noose for hanging inmates in protracted agony , all , right there . I have not , as yet , been able to visit Auschwitz , but I have visited Dachau and Terezin and the experiences all vary greatly . Again , to be clear , the references to any of these places being anything less than they were from a de facto perspective , is insensitive and , as I said , often an apologia for what went on there . In fairness, I point out , that while many of the camps began in somewhat different mode , that evolved quickly , after 1940 , to death camps .