Ack! Just figured out May 1st is a big holiday in the EU. So - does everything close down? Is there a good website to look at for museum closings? Are all restaurants and shops closed, or just some? I was looking forward to a couple of smaller family owned places, but an email proved they are closed. Is the whole weekend a holiday, like here in the states, or just Friday? Thanks is advance -
Not in all European countries.
- In Switzerland, it is only a holiday in some cantons, not in others.
- In Britain, the holiday is on the first Monday in May, which this year is the 4th May.
Europe is a big place, you cannot expect a website to list all museums in Europe! As with all public holidays, May Day will be like a Sunday. Public Transport will run to Sunday timetables and most shops and museums will be closed. Commercial attractions will probably treat it as a Sunday, and be open for the locals who have a day off. Restaurants will probably also be open for the same reason.
All the above is a gross generalisation, where will you be in on 1st May?