Hello lovely travellers.
We will be in Salzburg Dec 3, and according to the Salzburg tourism site, there will be a Krampus run that evening. https://www.salzburg.info/de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender/krampuslauf-der-groediger-krampusse_event_14733697 Looks like it's in the Gedreidegasse area. Any advice or experience to share? I have checked forum history and there's not a lot, mostly things like "make sure you really want to attend this" and "don't bring children". We aren't bringing children--but maybe this isn't a thing worth seeing? Just looking for some harmless understanding-different-cultural-traditions fun.
(I admit I haven't researched it to this point because I was assuming it was a running event, with bibs and timekeepers--e.g., "The Krampus 5k Run" or something of that sort! But I guess that's not the case!)