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Krampus in Vienna?

I mistakenly thought there was a Krampus run in Vienna on 5 December. Unfortunately that is in Salzburg. We will be in Vienna at the Christmas markets on 5 Dec. I promised my wife a Krampus. On Halloween I offer anew broom, etc. then I told her about Krampus, so now she wants to see one.
Any suggestions or help?.

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21663 posts

Hop on the Westbahn train to Salzburg. You'll be there in 2 1/2 hours.

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5557 posts

Krampus is an Alpine thing, not a Vienna thing.

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2347 posts

Express trains from Vienna to Salzburg depart about every half an hour from Wien Hbf (main station) or Wien Westbf (western station).
The last train back departs from Salzburg at 10pm.

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5557 posts

Ok, two hot tips.

  1. Maybe a Krampus tonight at Weihnacht im Wald at the Prater. I’ve got friends checking for other ideas as I saw a few Krampus photos in Vienna from last night.
  2. The Medieval Christmas market is this weekend at the Military History Museum. No Krampus but lots of atmosphere.
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1422 posts

Saw some in Sterzing, Italy at the Christmas market there today. They were in black face without masks, but had the horns and were in black and red costume. Several women were in normal clothes, but had black face like soot. Local tradition I guess. Kind of looked like Klingons. Not like other Krampus i have seen in Austria. If you search for Sterzing Krampus you'll see some.
Drove the normal road through the Wipptal today. You don't need the Brenner Autobahn with the vignette and extra toll. Very impressive from below. Staying in the Gschnitztal, Austria. Snowing and absolute quiet.

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1422 posts

Snowing like he** here in Gschnitz. Just saw two Krampus stop a car in the middle of the road (20:10). Cow bells and full suits. If you want to see Krampus you need to plan to go to Tirol, Osttirol, Sudtirol 5 December. Just like the good old days.

Well St Nikolaus and the Krampus made it to the hotel bar last night after their travels. Not surprising as the hotel is about the only place open in Gschnitz. Perfectly clear blue sky and sun on the mountain tops this morning. Picture postcard perfect.