Anything to do in Kitzbuhel in May.. . . . . . . . . Also would like be a feasible day trip from Munich?
Jill I was there in mid-May about 15 years ago. All I could find of interest was riding the cable car up the mountain and looking around. It was very ski oriented town and I suspect it still is. I think there are better choices for day trip from Munich.
My impression of Kitzbühel after being here about 24 hours...
This town is extremely ski and shopping focused. Although the old center of town is very attractive, it's a bling-o-rama of expensive boutiques. Alpine vistas, even at their worst, usually warrant a grade of "stunning". But from the town and the valley floor, the mountain scenery doesn't look nearly as impressive as you might find in some other resort towns. All this changes with altitude, though.
And May is always a crap-shoot in the Alps. The high altitude hiking trails (where you would need to ascend to appreciate the mountain views) are usually still snowed-in. Rain and blanketing cloud cover provide frequent obstructions.
So overall, there's probably much better daytrips from Munich in May. Including some of Germany's Alpine destinations.
I have to agree about the bling. But if you remember Franz Klammer's Olympic downhill run...
Several of our group took the train to Kitzbühel from Fierberbrunn to watch the downdill Alpine races. Weather delayed the start and being a Sunday, it seemed that everything was pretty much closed. They caught an earlier train back to Fieberbunn and watched the downhill delayed start on our hotel's TV.