We are currently booked at a hotel on the east side of Lake Traunsee, half way down the east side of the lake from Gmunden, for three nights, arriving late in the day of day 1 from Linz via rental car. We want to do day trips on days 2 and 3 to Hallstatt and Gmunden, or any other feasible destination. The morning of day 4 we leave very early.
(We originally were going to stay in Linz and do day trips to Hallstatt, but decided to have a base a little closer to Hallstatt and see some of the tranquil mountain/lake areas.)
We will arrive late in the day of day 1, check in, late afternoon, and stay at this hotel which is maybe 20 minutes from the center of Gmunden.
Day 2 we want to go to Hallstatt and hope we have enough time there. The only route I see is to drive north up the east side of the lake, over Gmunden, down the other side of the lake and across to Hallstatt. Is anyone familiar with this trip or have a better route?**
As for the next day (day 3) we figured we would either go back to Hallstatt or stay local around Gmunden/Lake Traunsee, maybe take the ferry to Gmunden from our hotel which has a dock. Any help with this itinerary is appreciated.
We have to leave very early the next day (day 4) to go back to Linz, return rental car and catch a shuttle to Cesky.
Thanks for any suggestions.