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Impact for car travelers on A 13 Brenner motorway (Bavaria - Innsbruck - Italy)

Info for car travelers from / to North-East Italy and Innsbruck or Bavaria:

"the Lueg Bridge along the A13, the Brenner motorway, had reached the end of its useful life. For reasons of road safety and to relieve the bridge, single lane traffic on the Lueg Bridge is required in both directions as per 1 January 2025. Only this guarantees that the existing bridge can remain in operation safely. Construction on the new Lueg Bridge is expected to start at the end of March 2025."

Link to web page with full details and lane schedules provided by Asfinag (Austrian motorway operator).

Travelers shall consider train connections.

Posted by
2363 posts

Travelers shall consider train connections.

No reason to panic. For a strech of about 2.5km (1.5mi) two lanes have to merge into one. When there is very heavy traffic, a second (provisional) lane will be opened temporarily.

Posted by
3600 posts

No panic at all but the Brenner is known as affine for traffic jams and that already without a large construction.

Article with background:
"With queues reaching 70km, a solution to the Brenner pass bottleneck continues to escape EU governments and authorities. Discussions may no longer be enough; the EU Commission should open its legal toolbox."

Posted by
2363 posts

... but the Brenner is known as affine for traffic jams ...

This is a hot political topic, not to be discussed in this forum.

Posted by
34687 posts

I'm not entering into politics but I can relate a 2 hour delay on a journey into Italy using the high bridge at Brenner. It didn't help that somebody had spilled a caravan near the bottom of the hill. Other trips have been reliable but sometimes slow in the area. There is a McDonalds on the service area just south of the Europa bridge at Schönberg with a great view. I've stopped there a few times when tired of the traffic.