Looking for recommendations on how to get from Hallstatt to Prague in a timely fashion. Thank you.
The fastest train connections all take 7.5-8 hours and the fewest connections (2) are via Vienna. If Vienna's on your list, you might want to visit it first. Looking Up Train Schedules and Routes Online gives you the Deutsche Bahn train schedule link and tips for using it.
Or see www.beanshuttle.com for options that run directly between Hallstatt and Cesky Krumlov (another good place to break the trip). They can also connect you from Cesky Krumlov to Prague or you have additional train and bus options. See also www.leoexpress.com/en and www.studentagency.eu/en. This plan might only shave an hour off your travel time.
You can also look going via Linz. Although I think that the lower portion of the Czech rail line is still under maintenance via Linz.
The fastest train connection is 6:50 hours via Linz involving two train changes. As said there is currently a bus replacement for a certain part of the route due to track repair works in the Czech Republic.