Could anybody recommend some good places to have lunch / dinner while in Salzburg/Vienna ?Any place where smart casuals would be accepted is great .
Which app is popular for finding good restaurants/cafes nearby while in Austria ?
We loved Labstelle, which is in Vienna. Excellent experience with both food and service!
Thank you . I was just checking it out on TripAdvisor when I noticed its closed today . Do most restaurants close on Sundays ?
In Salzburg we enjoyed Zirkelwirt. We ate out on the deck and were casually dressed. Gasthof Alte Fuchs was also wonderful.
Palmenhaus is good for lunch in Vienna on a sunny day. Smart casual is accepted pretty much everywhere.
Palmenhaus is good for lunch in Vienna on a sunny day. Smart casual is accepted pretty much everywhere.
For a schnitzel, which is a must-have in Vienna, here are some ideas:
For Salzburg, Augustinerbräu is a brewery that all visitors should check out.
Thank you padams and Emily . I am checking those out now .
Augustinerbräu was to be my suggestion for Salzburg. Don't be confused when you see signs for Kloster Mülln - they are the same place. If you have trouble getting up or down the steps to the biergarten there is small hidden elevator.
This is Vienna's most comprehensive restaurant guide:
Although in German it is easily understandable. To narrow the search results you can select different features like type of place (e.g. restaurant, pub, Heuriger, cafe, etc.), type of cuisine, area in Vienna, but most importantly "Essen am Sonntag" (eating on Sunday) and "Empfohlen" (recommended).
(Even locals complain that a lot of restaurants are closed over the weekend.)
You will get a short description of every place including the price level, contact details, and the link to the respective homepage.
Thank you Nigel checking it out now.
That is a very helpful list, wmt1 . Thank you .
This place in Vienna is popular with tourists and locals, packed at lunch to the point no table is available. The restaurant is "Schnitzel Wirt" located at 52 Neubaugasse, the closest U-Bahn station is Neubaugasse at the corner of Mariahilferstraße. It is closed on Sunday and no credit cards are accepted. I go at least once or twice at lunch each visit to Vienna.
Another place for lunch/dinner in Vienna I went to (twice) this last trip was: Wiener WIA-ZHAUS at Gusshausstraße 24. It's very near Karlsplatz and the Karlskirche. The cuisine is Austrian, Schnitzel too, mostly locals , some tourists.
We really enjoyed the food and atmosphere at Figlmullers. They have two regular restaurant locations and the one we prefer is the one on Backerstrasse near St Stephens. They also have a couple of tavern type eateries and an upscale place. The have a good web site so just google them and see what you think.
I also enjoyed Salzburg's Gasthof Alter Fuchs (Old Fox) at Linzer Gasse 47-49, the pedestrian only street. "Casual" dress seemed to be fine with fun restaurants and you can leave out the "smart". Our best "app" was speaking to the hotel front desk folks who were happy to help with suggestions.
There's another random list from AbhinavSharma with no supporting comments. Do you just throw darts at a board, or do you want to give some reasons behind the suggestions?
Most of the places you list are restaurants yet you refer to them as hotels. Which have you actually stayed at or eaten at? Best comments have some justification behind them, not just a random list.
Nigel makes a good point. I wish more people would mention when they were last in a country, city, hotel, restaurant, etc., when making a comment about it.
This is a troll. Don't let them get to you.
When in Salzburg, we loved the Augusteinerbrau brewery taproom. Lots of people, food, beer. Mostly locals. We also walked up to the Castle. On the way up, halfway, there is a nice small restaurant which is of the "beer-garden" sort - you get your beer and food and find a table - also table service. We were able to sit outside on the balcony with a find view of Salzburg while we ate lunch.
Just stop! This is a post from August!
Lol, Emily - but I am still reading it for tips! :)