I am sure it is fine, but probably not terribly different if you have been in the area many times before! Depending if you guys like to hike I can give you a few recommendations for the area since we live in Innsbruck:
Hämmermoosealm. This is a fantastic Alm near Leutasch. The views are a little unique, the food is great, and filled with many local families (including kids, perhaps a plus or minus). Park at Parkplatz Salzbach and it is a 30min gentle walk.
Patschalm: This is actually on the Patscherkofelbahn ski area, but I think you can drive to it (?) Small Alm with great views towards the Wipptal/Stubaital.
Tulfeinalm: This is on the Glungezerbahn in Tulfes. I dont think you can drive here but you can take the 2 Glungezerlifts up, great views. You can also take the first lift then walk down hill to Tulferhütte, but I do not remember what the hike is like.
Rumeralm: This is closer to the Innsbruck side. I think it is drivable... Great views, gets crowded with locals, we actually hiked all the way up here and it was so crowded we could not find seats, so I imagine the food was good!
The Hütten on Rangger Köpfl in Oberperfus are also very nice.
Anyway, some extra thoughts on the area. You could also venture into the Wattenlizum. Or you can access the Karwendal through Schnaritz. But we have not done either of these.