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Feldkirch to Liechtenstein

We are heading to Vienna later this month and plan to travel ultimately west to the Berner Oberland in Switzerland before flying out of Zurich. We are planning to stop in Feldkirch (Austria) for a quick jaunt into Vaduz on the LIEmobile bus system. Has anyone done this? Can you buy bus tickets at the Feldkirch station or can you only buy tickets on the bus itself (which I've heard requires coins)? Can you get Swiss francs (CHF) at Feldkirch, since the station is still in Austria and should still be on Euros? Any help anyone can offer would be appreciated. Thanks!

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34583 posts

Check the box time? If this bus ride is worth it to you, go for it. I personally saw absolutely nothing of any interest in my drive through (on my way through, my route had me pass through) other than a modern McDonalds in Vaduz.

If you search on the Forums you will find many threads replying to others contemplating visiting the teeny tiny country - almost to a person they agree it is not worth it to most people.

I'm sorry I can't help you with the bus or how to pay for it.

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21692 posts

Liemobil cooperates with the VVV (Voralberg Verkehrsverbund), so I would think you can buy at Feldkirch station.

Posted by
8889 posts

If you are taking a train on the main route from Austria to Switzerland (route: Vienna - Salzburg - Innsbruck - Feldkirch - Buchs(SG) - Zürich), that train goes through Liechtenstein between Feldkirch and Buchs. However it does not stop in Liechtenstein (unless it gets a red signal). If you just want to tick the box, you can do that without getting off the train.

Buses in Liechtenstein are run by the Swiss postbus service under contract to LIEmobil (Liechtenstein bus). The LIEMOBIL website is here:
This website is in German only. It has maps and times of all buses.
On the fares page ( ) it says:
"Wenn Sie nur selten unterwegs sind, können Sie in den Fahrzeugen beim Fahrer Einzelfahrscheine und Tageskarten kaufen."
="If you only travel rarely, you can buy single tickets and day passes from the driver."
I imagine in Feldkirch (s)he would accept Euros or Franks, but give change in Franks. I don't see anything about accepting coins only, I have never heard of this for Swiss postbuses, they regularly accept notes. However offering a €500 note would not be appreciated.

P.S. Liechtenstein is a Principality located between Switzerland and Austria. Roy Lichtenstein is a 1960's US pop artist.

Posted by
2350 posts

Liechenstein is a Principality located between Switzerland and Austria. Roy Lichtenstein is a 1960's US pop artist.

The correct spelling of the country is Liechtenstein.

Posted by
1799 posts

I have driven something like thirthy times Milan - St. Bernardino Pass - Feldkirch - Arlberg Pass - Innsbruck, in both directions, driving each time small stretches in Liechtenstein and I assure you there is very little to see there. Even Liechtenstein princes spent most of their time in Vienna, where their art collection, one of the largest private collections in the world is now on display.

If you want to stop in the area, the Heidi park in Maienfeld is much more entertaining (but you need a few hours as you have to walk), Chur and Feldkirch are only moderately interesting but much better than anything in Liechtenstein. Being very much interested in trains, I also stopped once at Landquart station and even that was more interesting than Liechtenstein.

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to reply thus far. I realize there is little to see in Liechtenstein (See? I managed to avoid the typo that time), but we would like to go for a few hours in order to get our passports stamped and for the ability to say that we were there; it's worth it to us. We're only going to swing by the visitor's center for the stamp, hike up the hill to Schloss Vaduz to check out the view, maybe stop for a snack, and then head back to Feldkirch and continue on our way to Switzerland. I have already been all over the LIEmobil website (which is easily navigated thanks to Chrome's translate feature), so I have every piece of info I need for the trip except for the currency issue. I've emailed their customer service and am hoping to hear back soon. Will post the answer here if/when I get it just in case anyone else cares to know.

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21692 posts

If you are going on to Zurich, don't go back to Feldkirch, take the bus from Vaduz to Buchs SG, Switzerland. The same train stops there on the way to Zurich. Unless, of course, you are leaving luggage in the lockers.

Posted by
12 posts

I know going straight on to Buchs would be more efficient, but the issue is what to do with the luggage while we're running around Vaduz. Even with one carry-on apiece, we don't want to have to drag our bags around with us, so our preference is to leave the bags in a locker at the station at Feldkirch, which necessitates going back. If anyone has any other suggestions regarding the bags, please let me know though!

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34583 posts

in order to get our passports stamped

That doesn't happen any more, I'm afraid. With Schengen Agreement there are no longer border checks when moving around the entire area. The only border checks and passport stampings are entering and leaving the entire Schengen area.

The only way you will be able to tell that you have entered the Principality of Liechtenstein is when all the license plates on cars are black. Austrian and Swiss ones are white.

Posted by
12 posts

I'm aware there are no longer border checks. However, you can still get an "official" stamp for your passport at the Tourist Information Center in Vaduz for a small fee ( Just a little novelty, but that's what we're after.

In other news, LIEmobil customer service got back to me and confirmed that their bus drivers do accept Euros, for anyone that was wondering. Also, based on this discussion, I've tweaked our travel plans and now have us taking the train from Austria to Buchs SG, where we'll leave our bags for the afternoon and catch the bus. It makes for less bus travel time (and less travel time overall) and makes the bus fare cheaper (added bonus) because we'll only be traveling through 2 zones instead of 3. Plus we can grab Swiss francs from the ATM at Buchs, which makes my original question completely irrelevant - hah!

Posted by
8889 posts

There will still be a customs post by the side of the road when you cross from Austria to Liechtenstein (or at least there was last time I passed that way). Switzerland is not in the EU, and Liechtenstein is in a customs union with Switzerland.
They usually don't bother people, they are just there to check commercial vehicles with goods being imported or exported. Your bus will probably drive past without stopping.
There is a picture of the Swiss/Liechtenstein customs post on Wikipedia here:

Edit: Just seen your latest post, so the comment above is irrelevant. If you are coming from Buchs, there is no customs on the Swiss/Liechtenstein border. The border is the river Rhine, which you probably will notice.

Posted by
1799 posts

As the sign says, customs at Schaanwald are Swiss customs, not Liechtenstein ones. As Switzerland is in a customs union with Liechtenstein, with no checks between the countries, the customs check is Swiss even if the customs house is on Liechtenstein land. There is no stamping of passport at the border as Switzerland and Austria are in the same Schengen area and checks are only at external borders of the whole area.

Posted by
21692 posts

I've seen mention on the web that they still will stamp your passport at the Tourist Office in Vaduz for 3 CHF. They also note it has absolutely no bearing on entry/exit requirements for Schengen. Since they are a sovereign state, they are allowed to make entries in your passport. For a fee.

You might consider visiting Liechtenstein from Buchs SG. It is only a 2-zone bus ticket to Vaduz, and there is a left luggage office in the station open until 18:30 M-F, 18:00 Sat, 17:00 Sun.