Looking for suggestions for an evening meal near the Palace before an evening concert - not the dinner package. Any type of food is good, but Vienna specialties would be great.
Looking for suggestions for an evening meal near the Palace before an evening concert - not the dinner package. Any type of food is good, but Vienna specialties would be great.
Your best bet is Hietzing, a charming village-like neighborhood which borders Schönbrunn. You take the U4 one stop beyond Schönbrunn, to the Hietzing stop. There is a gate into Schönbrunn right there. The US Ambassador lives down the street.
My choice - https://www.plachutta-hietzing.at/en/a-selection-of-our-menu. Tafelspitz is a classic Viennese dish and this is the best place to have it.
Allow some time to wander in Hietzing before dinner . The area around Plachutta is filled with numerous fin de siecle villas , well worth a look , and one of the creations of the Secessionist architect , Otto Wagner is a very short walk from the U4 station . more information here - https://www.wienmuseum.at/de/standorte/otto-wagner-hofpavillon-hietzing