We are in Vienna for two nights and would like to do something special on the evening of October 6th the golden Hall is not available. Also suggestions for a tour guide ?
Thank you
The top concert event on October 6th is at 11am:
You may consult Austria's most comprehensive event directory: https://www.events.at/
It is in German only, but you can easily filter by location (i.e. Wien), date and type (e.g. Musik/Klassik).
If you want to book tickets online, best is to use the website of the respective venue (and not a ticket office).
If you're looking for a private guide, I would recommend:
In a recent thread, someone else who used him also recommended him: https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/day-tours/vienna-tour-guides-part-one
Also... he's recommended by RS himself in RS's Vienna, Salzburg, and Tyrol book.
Thank you
We will look him up