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Day trips from Vienna

We will be in Vienna for several weeks in july 2015. Besides trips to Melk, Mathausen, Bratislava…any other ideas for day trips that are within 60-90 minutes from Vienna.
Thanks, BT

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15095 posts


In Austria my suggestion is Eisenstadt in Burgenland, also Baden bei Wien; outside of Austria I suggest Brno to see a former province capital.

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41 posts

Linz and Graz and gyor in Hungary are also good options. N if u can do night stop over then u can cover Prague n Budapest n Salzburg also.

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20653 posts

Gyor, the Archabbey at Pannonhalma, Budapest, fortress at Komarom, Sopron, Lake Balaton......
High Tatras of Slovakia for fishing or hiking or skiing or ......

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12040 posts

If it gets hot, you can head to one of the towns on the Neusiedler See for some swimming. Podersdorf looks like the best bet, because most of the towns seem to be separated from the water by swamp and reeds, but Podersdorf is right on the water (unfortunately, it was far too cold during my visit to swim).

If you have an interest in classical music, and you didn't get enough Mozart, Strauss and Beethoven in Vienna, you can make a Haydn-themed pilgrimage to Eisenstadt to see Schloss Esterhazy.

Nearby Burg Forchenstein has a huge collection of treasures and weapons, but you need a German-only guided tour to see most of it, and these are only given a few time each day.

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174 posts

Thanks everyone, those sound great suggestions and seems like it will get us "off the beaten path"
Vielen dank

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3 posts


It's maybe late for some suggestions, but the High Tatras are really worth to visit next time...
I found nice webpage with many day trips. From Vienna it's maybe too far but no problem
to have day trip from Budapest, Bratislava or Krakow.

