As luck would have it, my last vaccination was 300 days ago. I had some reactions getting the vaccination and am hesitant to get a booster because of that. When I go to Vienna in December, since I am 300 days out, am I treated as if I had not been vaccinated?
Yes, it’s like you’ve had nothing. You won’t be able to go anywhere or do anything. People in that situation are in lockdown.
Joseph, what a dilemma! Check with your Dr about what he/she advises. Wishing you the best possible outcome.
In Austria applying the booster shot (3rd vaccination) is in full swing already.
Joseph I understand your concern about vaccine reaction. It took me three days to feel good after my second Moderna shot. My hubby had no reaction. But I have more concerns about getting a break-through case so I got my booster a few weeks ago. All shots were Moderna. The booster is a 1/2 dose according to the CVS pharmacist. I still got a reaction but not as bad. I get reactions to all shots: flu, tetanus, etc. But the Covid booster is worth it based on current science and break though experiences among acquaintances.
I will get another booster next summer before my September trip.
I get my booster this afternoon, exactly 22 days before I am scheduled to enter Austria. I will get what the other two shots were, Pfizer.
I am getting my Moderna booster tomorrow morning and I plan to be in Austria May, 2022. I hope that boosters will be approved for everyone soon as my healthy son is my travel companion.
Joseph, I am glad that you found a solution that will work for you. I am also quite happy that you paid attention to the entrance requirements and were able to do what was needed to stay eligible. I keep hearing so many horror stories of people getting turned away from vacation plans because they did not keep up with the requirements.
Have a great trip!
I am a little confused about the 270 days. If I have my booster does that waive the requirement that the second shot be within the last 270 days?
Joseph, I’m so glad you getting your booster shot today. A neighbor just came down with a break through case. Worse tho’ is an acquaintance with underlying health problems who got a break through case a week before her booster appointment and spent 5 days in the hospital. Be safe everyone!!
The booster shot resets the clock. At the moment the 3rd vaccination expires after 360 days as a proof of being fully vaccinated.
Just to clarify for others, if you had the two dose vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer), you are good for 360 days after the second shot, 270 days applies to the one shot J&J.
The upper limit of days has regularly been increased over the last 6 months or so, as the test groups have passed milestones, though recommendations for boosters may fix the numbers where they are.
Austria has also required boosters, effective mid December, for those over 65.
Here is the support for Paul's statement.
Paul - this information is not correct for Vienna, which is what the OP asked about. In Vienna it is 270 days, unless you had J&J, in which case that vaccine expires on Jan. 3 no matter when you received the shot. Each state in Austria can exceed the federal rules…
Regarding my booster, c'est un fait accompli. Got it done. Feel a little disoriented, chills, but not too bad. Glad this forum exists, otherwise I might have ended locked up in the room for my entire Vienna stay.
Emily…on your link…if you scroll down to Public Life it states if you have had the third shot aka Booster….you are good for 360 days.
Yes, I think that is a recent change. Things change daily here…
The OP can’t even come to Austria now. What a shame.