I am due to get married in Austria in August 2022. I had my booster jab end of October 2021 so when I go I am over the 270 days. I have all the required jabs and don't qualify for the fourth jab as under 75.
Does this mean I have to isolate when I get there or do you think they will change the 270 days by then?
This is one of those questions that will be best answered by someone in the Austrian government with knowledge of the rules. I would recommend calling the Austrian Embassy in the US to get the best answer to your question. If you do that, it would be great for you to report back and let us know what the Austrian Embassy tells you.
To enter Austria today, you need proof of vaccine OR a negative test.
Details here:
No way to predict what the rules will be in August.
Thank you for your replies. I will look into it further
I have exact same question as original poster. Got booster shot (third jab) in October 2021. Planning Austria visit in August 2022. Well past the 270 day requirement (which I do not see for other neighboring countries). I am sure this will affect a lot of travelers. Any updates about this would be helpful. Tried to contact Austrian Embassy. Referred to website which states the 270 day rule. I know there is talk about new Omicron vaccine booster in April, but don’t want to plan a trip to Austria until I know for sure. Keep us posted if anyone learns of updated regulations or new information. Thank you.
Yes will certainly let you all know if I find an answer. Looks like my partner will be going on his own- he is over 75! Are Zoom weddings allowed!!!!
Have you asked your primary care physician to write an order for you to get another booster?
We booked our trip far ahead (airfare, rental car and hotels), but everything we booked is fully refundable. Additionally, no deposits have been required. I don't see the downside to this approach. Our car rental from Hertz is only $540 for 10 days -- another advantage of booking far ahead is the lower rates. Something you may want to consider.
Dear OP - Just come with a negative PCR test and you can be on your way. But who knows what August will bring…
I have a trip planned for May, and like others have said it is currently the Vaccine rule or a negative test. Hopefully as we move forward there will be a loosening of restrictions not a tightening, but only time will tell. I've also found that there are testing sites in most airports, Vienna does have one which you will currently need to get back.
I am just going to leave it until nearer the time and weigh up my options then.
In the US, all adults over 50 are qualified to get a second booster (jab #4). It must be an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) but there are no other qualifications. If you're in that age group, then you should be all set.
poolguy, if you don't want to plan a trip until you know for sure ... don't go! Because you can never know for sure. When I was in Paris last year just as we were leaving they started talking about some odd new variant on the TV news. Perhaps you've heard of it - Omicron? Are we glad we got home right away? Yup. Should we not have taken the trip at all? We weighed the odds and decided we wanted to go.
don't qualify for the fourth jab as under 75.
Where do you live that this is the requirement?
In the US anyone over 50 is eligible, if 4 months past the previous booster. Under 50 qualify if they have complicating/compromising med issues.
I live in the UK