Hello, this is not meant to be a political question, but it centers around politics unfortunately. I have been planning a dream vacation for my husband and myself to Prague/Vienna/Budapest for next September. We are Americans. My husband is now talking that with the way things are politically here in the US and how our president is alienating European countries, we may not be welcome in Europe, and who knows, may even become victims of retaliation. He no longer wants to go. At our age, I don't think this trip can be put off for 4 years. Are any other Americans having these concerns?
Here’s a thread from earlier this month. My view. Relax and enjoy your trip. No reason to be worried. People in general make distinctions between government policies and actions and citizens of those countries.
I leave next week for five weeks. I come back to the US for one week then return to Europe for three months. I expect to be in about 8-10 European countries. West and East.
I'm not worried.
Truth be told, I think I'll be safer there than in the US.
You will likely be fine if you maintain a friendly approach and don’t focus on politics. This question is coming up for Americans wanting to visit Canada, in part to show support to us. They are being welcomed unless they make a joke about our sovereignty or are sporting certain apparel.
I am certainly aware from family and friends in various parts of Europe that while there is a shift in attitude, they are keeping it more to themselves. So Americans posting here who are in Europe along the way may not have the full picture as many locals may not be fully open with them. But in all honesty, many aren’t impressed and the sentiment is growing but that doesn’t mean they will be impolite to you.
My one request is to please not pretend to be Canadian in anyway. Even that is becoming more obvious as we really are quite different.
I wouldn't worry too much about that, it's only been a month so who knows the state of the world will be in by next September lol! I definitely go sooner rather than later.
I have another way to look at this. My recent trip, solo, was just prior to and after the inauguration. I was unfailingly polite, always using (French, for this trip) greetings and thank yous and goodbyes and just hoped to be a respectful visitor and positive "representative".
For whatever reason if I was asked anything at all it was: was I Canadian?! I said I was from the US and then...nothing happened. One time a taxi driver wanted to know more- what part of the US, for starters. He was genuinely curious with follow up questions.
My other suggestion is that travel opens our eyes to other perspectives. It's easy to be consumed with our US-focused news, especially now. Learning about the history and culture of the place I'm going to visit is a positive way to prepare but also better appreciate another country.
I hope you'll go! What an interesting trip!
Wouldn’t it be great if humanity could all get together and put all those powerful problematic persons on a one-way rocket and launch it into outer space….
The rest of the world isn’t necessarily obsessed with American politics.
Angelafrench, when you say “next September” do you mean 2025 or 2026? If you’re planning 2025, go, relax and have fun. 2026 trips are over a year away so you can take a wait and see outlook. This June I’m going to England and Ireland for a month; none of my plans change.
Yes some of your concerns are valid but exaggerated. I feel if we are polite, aware of cultural norms and not obnoxious, Americans will be welcome or at least tolerated. Just like before. Keep the message clothes at home. If asked political questions, change the subject and don’t engage.
A couple things to consider to alleviate your anxiety:
Look at MedjetHorizon evacuation. It covers Security issues not just medical evacuation. It may be false peace of mind. But I buy it anyway since I travel solo. https://medjetassist.com/medjethorizon
Also enroll in STEP for US traveller updates. https://mytravel.state.gov/s/step
EDIT: my husband won’t travel. It has nothing to do with politics. He’s just not interested. If your husband refuses to take your dream trip, go without him.
I’m an American living in Vienna. As long as you aren’t wearing a MAGA hat you’ll be fine. Europeans just think we are crazy and stupid - no one would suggest retaliation. They just laugh at us from afar. You’ll have a great time and won’t even notice. Much safer in Austria than in the US.
If you are a respectful, interested, unselfish traveler, aware and curious about the places you visit, I believe you will be welcomed in most countries.
Take the trip and make it very enjoyable.
As a Canadian, myself and people I know here at home all have friends and family in the U.S., and we welcome you all to come up and visit us!
We have always referred to the U.S. as “the U.S.” or “the States” up here; as “America “ to us means the entire continents of N. and S. America and all the countries contained in both.
So technically, we are all “Americans.”
As we say up here: “Take your shoes off and come on in”!
The assumption here seems to be that the people in Europe are universally opposite the 50% of the US citizens that elected the current US government,
That assumption might get you into an uncomfortalbe situation,. https://www.politico.eu/article/mapped-europe-far-right-government-power-politics-eu-italy-finalnd-hungary-parties-elections-polling/
Unless you want to study and learn the politics of 50 nations, best to avoid the question.
I live in Europe full time and keep up to date on both of my countries’ news. No qualms. Totally comfortable.
Frank II, exactly. And that is why I say to keep it to yourself. It would require PhD research to understand European politics. I just worry when I see a large number of people making assumptions .... assumptions in either direction. On the otherhand if you want to discuss it, do it with an open mind and dont judge, you know little of the culture, history and circumstance that led to the decisions. Of course there are lines and we each have to decide individually on those, and those are best kept to oneself.
Politics is a part of travel. Never had a an issue on any of our travels in Europe under any of the current or previous administrations. What we have learned is that citizens of other countries have their own issues to deal with. If they ask, it is more out of curiosity than anything.
Remember Rick wrote a book titled "Travel As A Political Act".
You should feel perfectly safe traveling in Europe. I agree with you that a trip shouldn't be put off, as one never knows what may happen in life.
Go and enjoy your visit to these wonderful European capitals !