I am traveling from Sarajevo to London and looking at a flight on Austrian Airlines with a 30 minute connection in Vienna. Austrian Air assures me 30 minutes is enough time to catch my connecting flight. Has anyone had experience with this short turnaround? Is this actually doable?
Thank you!
That should be doable. It's a non-EU to non-EU transfer so you should only have to walk to your next gate. Maybe a security check, but nothing more.
Is there a later flight if you miss the connection? Austrian will be responsible for getting you to your final destination so I might take the risk. How stressed would you be if you missed the connection and had to wait for a later flight? I hate waiting in airports so I often choose flights with short connections but that can mean there is no time to stop and buy a bottle of water or use the restroom before boarding the next flight. I only take short connections when I am willing to take the risk that I will get stuck for another day.
I had a very short connection there years ago (probably about an hour) coming from a non-schengen country and traveling back to the U.S. The transit area for people arriving from and departing to non-schengen countries was quite confined so there wasn’t a lot of walking. It has been almost 10 years since I have flown Austrian so perhaps someone who has transited there recently.
Origin and destination both outside the Schengen area
As a rule, no passport control is required, provided you do not leave the transit area.
A security screening seems dependent on which gates your flights use.
Thank you everyone for your input! It's been helpful. I appreciate it.
Let us know how it goes, cause I am probably on the same flight in May. But I have an hour.
Actually, you will go before I do. My fight is June 12th. Let me know how it goes!
I would give you my input but my morning Austrian flight Sarajevo to Vienna two weeks ago (where I had more time to connect for EWR) was cancelled due to strikes.
Austrian did a good job of getting me set up with alternatives (with an extra transfer), though, and I was only an hour later arriving Newark.
I will happily do so. My flight connects to Budapest which seems a waste, but still faster than the train. Do you want a fishing report too?