what are the best places to go to concerts in Vienna. classical and other venues
do you need to purchase ahead
if not where can you buy same day tickets? going mid September 2019
thank you so much
Ticket sellers for concerts are on every street corner... Particularly around the Hofburg. I particularly liked the concerts in the Karlskirche.
For example: (I do not recommend this website, but it is the first that came up) https://www.viennaconcerts.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxP6-iJf34wIVAa_ICh2c7w6BEAAYASAAEgKfT_D_BwE
connect tickets in Vienna
You may want to correct your title so folks know what you are asking about
One of the best concert halls in the world is the Großer Saal in the Musikverein. The September schedule is heavy on the Wiener Mozart Orchester. I understand they are technically sound, but I find the "historical costumes" bit a little hokey.
You may consult Austria's most comprehensive event directory: https://www.events.at/
It is in German only, but you can easily filter by location (i.e. Wien), date and type (e.g. Musik/Klassik).
If you want to book tickets online, best is to use the website of the respective venue (and not a ticket office).