Has anyone ever attended a concert at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna? I am thinking of buying tickets for a concert there on Sept. 7, there are 3 categories of seats, Category 3 states "stage not directly visible from seats", category 1 & 2 are "+view", there is a 10€ difference in price. Wondering how big a difference there is between Category 1 view and Category 2 view?
Although I have never been to St Stephens, all of the other concerts in Vienna churches I have attended work just like any concert hall with more expensive tickets up front and less expensive ones in the back. There was a rope line separating the front section and the back section, so there is really no other difference than distance. There have not been numbered seats, however, at any of the concerts i went to, so first come first seated. Check on what the website says about "seats" if anything. If you come early you could be at the front of the front section, or the front of the back section. If you come late you would be at the back of the front (and likely off to the sides, but with a view) or at the back/sides of the back. It depends on your tastes and routine in getting to events early.
Click on "Saalplan", and you will see that there are three rectangular seating categories, one behind the other. Within the selected category there is free seating, first come, first served.