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Comprehensive website for transport within Vienna?

Something similar to Transport for London if you are familiar with that. Or anything that provides options for getting from Point A to Point B, and maybe has subway and bus maps. It is fine if it is only in German.

I think our apartment is near St. Stephen's but I have not pinpointed the location as yet. Mostly we like to walk, but I am sure that over 8 days there we will use some public transport.


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Wiener Linien also have a really great app. I've got it for iOS in prep for my upcoming trip. It reads where you are and lists all the available options, from the nearest Citybike and cab stands, to the next Ubahn. And I think they have mobile ticketing as well, but I probably won't bother with mastering that while there for a short stay. It's just called "Wien Mobil."