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Classical concerts / ballet / opera recommendation in Vienna in September 2023


I will arrive in Vienna in the evening on 16th September and leave in the morning on 19th September. I am somebody who has never attended any classical music concert or ballet or opera in my life.

I have read about the options available for a classical music concert in Vienna but can't seem to choose the best for a first-timer. Vienna Mozart Orchestra at the Golden Hall looks great but I have heard that it's not a "real" concert and just a tourist trap. Mozart Ensemble at Sala Terrena seems like a better option(?). Could anyone recommend what would be a great concert to attend?

I plan to attend the "Daphne" opera at the Vienna Opera House on the 18th. I read that it is in German. Since I don't know German, would I be able to enjoy the opera at all? The "Preisgruppe 9" tickets are for 15 EUR. Are those the standing tickets? What is the cheapest category of tickets where I can get a good enough view?


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363 posts

I actually think that the Vienna Mozart Orchestra would be great for you. I’ve done one of their concerts and the opera in Vienna. The Vienna Mozart Orchestra is geared towards tourists, but that’s fine. It’s still a concert with talented musicians (just not at the level of the Philharmonic). They play popular pieces that are associated with Vienna, and I think offer a great experience to get inside the Musikverien (which is an amazing space). Especially if you aren’t a concert goer at home, this is a great introduction to famous Viennese music.

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2267 posts

I'm unfamiliar with the Vienna Mozart Orchestra at the Golden Hall, and it may be targeted at tourists, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Maybe not world-class, but don't let the snob deter you. I've been to plenty of "tourist trap" concerts in my travels and always had a lovely time.

Most opera houses around the world have some type of subtitles, and Vienna is no exception. The State Opera there has screens at each seat, so you'll have a selection of languages to choose from. Also, I always read a synopsis before seeing an opera, so I know the general story. That lets me relax into the experience more.

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3185 posts

I was in Vienna last month. For your first classical concert, I suggest going to Annakirche. It's located about six blocks from the Opera House. Concerts are 1 hour long. I bought my ticket online an hour before the performance, but a few hours prior would be better. There are not assigned seats, so be there 1/2 hour beforehand when the doors open. The string quartet plays on period instruments. The 1st Violinist said his violin was made in 1760. Very good performance compared to the touristy one in Prague. The church is beautiful.

I also went to a ballet at the Opera House, “die Jahrenzeiten” ballet, a modern ballet set to Hayden music accompanied by a choir. It looks like their schedule has changed. Are you an opera fan? If not, can you sit through one for two hours?

I love Vienna. Hope you do too.

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4181 posts

The Vienna Mozart Orchestra wll be a good choice , especcially for a musical novice . The selections are good , and easy to grasp , and the ensemble , even though they play in period costume , is comprised of very good players who free lance in Vienna . ( some members are also employed by the Vienna Symphony , and The Vienna State Opera Orchestra . ( don't confuse the two ) The performance of " Daphne " is an issue to consider . It is a one act Opera , performed without an intermission , Running about two hours, it was composed by Richard Strauss ( 1864- 1949 ) a giant of late Romantic German Music ( Not to be confused with members of The Strauss Family , known for waltzes and dance music . They were also Viennese , not German ) The story follows the myth from Greek Literature , of Daphne and Apollo . Pursued by Apollo , Daphne invokes the Gods to protect her from Apollo's advances and is transformed into a tree . The music is stunning , and if you learn the story and familiarize yourself with the music in advance , you will likely enjoy it . Going to the performance unprepared , will likely leave you with questions about the action . As a professional musician during my working career , I have played this opera as an orchestra member several times in years past . A performance here =

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2 posts

Thanks everyone for your responses. I will go to the Vienna Mozart Orchestra at the Golden Hall!
Looking at the seating chart, I am assuming that anything less than category 2 tickets won't have a good view, right? For category 2, do you recommend the ground floor box or the balcony box?

Is it possible to get upgraded to a better seat in case they do not sell out?

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4181 posts

I wouldn't be too concerned about the view . Wherever you are seated , the place is a sumptous eyeful , and most importantly the acoustics are sheer perfection . Arguably , The Muskverein has the best of any hall in the world . I've been there numerous times over the years , and it's always a must on my regular visits to Vienna . It is worth mentioning that Boston Symphony Hall has comparable acoustics . largely because the Architects who deigned it used The Musikverin as the model .

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537 posts

When we saw an Opera there in German last year, we had an early dinner where we ready a synopsis of the play. With that and the subtitles (you pick your language) we very much enjoyed the performance. We splurged on balcony seats and could see not only the stage, but the orchestra musicians which added a level of enjoyment for us.