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Brenner pass closed on sunday morning Jul 16

Due to the defusing of an WW2 air bomb both the Brenner motorway and the Brenner rail road will be closed on sunday morning, 16 Jul 2017 between Sterzing / Vipiteno and Brixen / Bressanone. In my experience closing down that most important route between central Europe and Italy has far reaching consequences for the entire region. The alternative routes via Reschenpass / Passo di Resia and Tauern motorway will be undoubtedly overcrowded too. So, if you have planned a time critic trip between Austrian and Northern Italy please plan accordingly.


Posted by
112 posts

As my mediocre German allows, the article indicates the upcoming Sunday which would be this Sunday July 16th? Nicht wahr? Danke! for the helpful post.

Posted by
8889 posts

You're right "kommenden Sonntag" is 16th Juli. 16th August isn't even a Sunday. I think the poster made a typo. If you are listening you can edit your own posts and fix it.

Zwischen 6.30 Uhr und 9.45 Uhr werden sowohl die Brennerautobahn (A22) zwischen Sterzing und Brixen, als auch die Staatsstraße zwischen Freienfeld und Grasstein nicht befahrbar sein,

But, it is only between 06:30 and 09:30, so only for 3 hours, not the whole day. Both the Autobahn and the old pass road affected, no diversion possible.

Grund für die Sperre sei die Entschärfung einer Fliegerbombe in der Gemeinde Freienfeld.

The reason is the disarming of a 2nd World War bomb. Yes, they are still finding them!

Der Bahnverkehr zwischen Sterzing und Franzensfeste wird ebenfalls unterbrochen, hieß es.

Trains also affected.

Posted by
2500 posts

Wahr! Sorry for the typo and the confusion caused by it!

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2500 posts

WOWZERS... A left over bomb... that's crazy that they still find them...

That's nothing special, esp. in German cities, where there are several instances of discoveries of larger bombs per annum. Mostly deactivating goes smooth but in 2010 in Goettingen all three bomb disposal people died when the bomb exploded. In my native town of Nürnberg there was a maior bomb discovery almost every year over the past two decades (minor ones don't make it even into the press), and the city of Nürnberg has a well organized emergency plan for that. Three years ago a whole district had to be evacuated (12000 people) and since the defusing was trickier than usual people had to spend two nights in sport halls or at grandmas sofa.

I mean, what could possibly go wrong?

Well, just an example from my personal experience. a couple of years ago we were on our usual way to the ferry from Ancona to Patras and were just bypassing Munich when there suddenly was an announcement that the Brenner motorway would be blocked for the rest of the day due to a rock fall. Of course we decided to go via the Tauern motorway Salzburg-Villach-Udine, but that brillant idea was shared by too many other ingenious people. So we spent half a day on the Tauern motorway and an additional hour at the Italian motorway gate after Tarvisio, where not more than the usual two ticket booths were open. Luckily, we made it to our ferry in the very last minute.

BTW. The actual defusing on the Brenner route went uneventful and thanks to the early warnings by local authorities there have developed no maior traffic jams either.

Posted by
8889 posts

Yes, they regularly find unexploded bombs in Germany and In England, usually during building work. Example from earlier this year:
Shells from the First World War are common in Northern France and Belgium.

And they even find them from earlier wars:

Relics from older wars are not so dangerous, earlier ages didn't have explosives, just swords and shields and chariots: