What website do you recommend for the most accurate weather in Austria?
Go to weather.com, and enter the location you want the weather for, just like you would at home.
Thanks! I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something better for Europe.
You might want to use something more local. I use metoeswiss for Switzerland. There might be something similar for Austria.
I have found weather channel.com to be just as detailed and accurate elsewhere as here - hourly forecasts (including temps) for 48 hours, 10 day forecasts, 6 hour radar scan, etc.
This is the most accurate 3-day's rain forecast for Austria:
It is updated every 6 hours and shows time and date at the bottom, the color is for the intensity.
You must learn a bit about Austria's geography. The map shows the 9 Austrian states (and the surrounding countries).
Where is Vienna? Where is Salzburg?