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Best App to get around a city?

I will be in Vienna, Budapest and Krakow this December. Is there an App for iphone which would help me get around in these cities? Offer correct public transportation or walking directions to get from point A to point B?

TIA, Joe

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9161 posts

I am very impressed with Citymapper . I have used that domestically as well as in Europe. If you're on wifi, it keeps up to date with real-time info on delays and traffic and multiple options for transport including walking directions.

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9086 posts

I haven't had the opportunity to use it in those exact cities, but here is another vote for citymapper. I loved it in London so much that I have been using it all the time here in the Seattle area. It claims it is now in every major city in Europe so I think it should cover your selections.

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376 posts

i find google maps indispensable. i use android so i don't know if it's available on ios.

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146 posts

Citymapper is fine. Not as good as in London, as it might not have invested much in additional knowledge like which part of train to get on and off.

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2350 posts

For Vienna I can recommend the app "VOR AnachB". It will show you the route from A to B either by public transport, or by walking, bicycle or car.

Especially for public transport this app is superior to any other app, as it had been designed primarily for that, having been commissioned by VOR (Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region) - Traffic Compound East Region (i.e. of Austria, an area of about 60 miles around Vienna).

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172 posts

Another person who agrees with Citymapper. A great resource. Obviously for bigger cities like London or Paris there are better options available, but this app works for most cities.