Has anyone else had difficulties trying to use the Austrian railways website? I've been trying to buy the Vorteilscard and tickets for over a week with no luck. They are very slow in answering webmail inquiries (two or three days) and when I called them on the phone they speak very little English. It sounds like they're in a room with 50 other people so it's hard to make out what they are saying in either language. I gave up.
Their website is also difficult to use. Oh, I can look up the schedule alright, but when I go to purchase the Vorteilscard or tickets it gets really goofy. First, there is not an obvious place to log in when you've already registered with the system. You must go to purchase something, then click on the OBB logon and then you get to a log in screen. So choose your purchase and so far so good, but then you click on it to place it in the "basket" and the English page reverts back to German. You then try to purchase despite the German language and click on the credit card option to pay and nothing happens. That's as far as you can get.
So I finally got one response back to a webmail inquiry and they said they were aware of difficulties and technical support was working on it. That was three days ago. They also suggested the difficulty occurs most often with the Internet Explorer web browser. But I'm using Safari on a MacBook. So I also tried Firefox, Chrome, and IOS on my Iphone with no luck. I'm wondering if they're just not optimized to use the Apple products. You'd think they'd be more concerned about lost revenue, but who knows. I will give kudos to the Swiss Travel system. Their rail site works very well. I had no issues with them.