We are planning a trip in July to attend a party in Vienna, where we will need to stay for 3-4 days at the end of our trip. We would like to spend the first half of our trip relaxing, hiking and also stop in Salzburg. There are so many wonderful places and regions to stay, I can’t seem to narrow anything down. Looking for advice, children are 9 and 11:
1. Do you fly into Munich or Vienna? It seems like taking a train or flight into Innsbruck after the flight would still require more driving to a hotel and require renting a car? No matter what it seems like once we land we have another 3 hours+ to get to where we want.
2. If we took a second flight, how long would you allow for the transfer in Frankfurt, Munich or Vienna? The airlines gives us layovers of 45 minutes between but that doesn’t seem like enough time, if anything goes wrong.
3. Recommendation for hotels/towns? Are the all inclusive hotels worth it? We do need some level of amenities - pool/swimming option. Some hotels look amazing but then are very isolated. I’d prefer not to be in the main city since we will be in Vienna at the end.
Thank you!