My ask to this form is first, can you recommend a theme in or around Vienna? And second, are there Stone or Iron Age historical sites or museums between Salzberg and Vienna worth a visit? Other comments about my plans are also welcome.
For context, here is my planned trip:
Arrive in Frankfurt on April 23rd. Train to Stuttgart. Using the D-Ticket throughout my German trip. Four nights in Stuttgart. This includes two days attending the Fruhlingsfest and a therme day
On to Munich for another four nights. Again, two days attending the Fruhlingsfest. Will do a day trip to Andechs Abbey.
North to Regensberg for two nights. Will take a day trip to Weltenburg Abbey via a Danube cruise from Kelheim.
Then three nights in Salzburg.
After Salzburg I will head on to Vienna for a few nights before flying back home from there around May 10th. I will take a day trip to Carnuntum, which is a Roman archaeological site east of Vienna.
With the exception of Regensburg and Salzberg I have visited these cities before. I am going back for the German Fruehlingsfests, which are spring beer festivals and to see Vienna again as it is one of my favorites cities to visit.