Hello! My daughter applied for a study abroad at a university in Linz. She won't hear for up to a month on whether she is accepted, but I've been already looking at options for us to visit her :) Austria has been on our long list of places we really want to visit, so we've made the commitment to go if she's accepted, over our two week winter break (Dec 20-Jan 2). I know that's the best/worst time to go, so I'm just looking for advice now on Austria in the winter. This is what I'm thinking so far:
*I'd LOVE to be in Salzburg over Christmas- Dec 24, 25, and maybe 26
*Thinking about flying into Munich on Dec 20 and doing some markets before Christmas
*End the trip in Vienna and do as much Mozart history/orchestra concerts as we can (my son is a violin student with aspirations to be a music teacher someday).
*Of course, I'd love to explore her (hopefully) temporary home, so at least a couple of days in Linz
*We'd like to respectfully visit one concentration camp. There's one outside of Linz and one outside of Munich.
*I understand things are closed on Sundays and I'm expecting a lot to be closed on Christmas eve/day- so advice for the "closed" days would be great.
*Our main focus is seeing our daughter, and with the short days, we don't need to see everything.
Also, how far out should we book hotels, etc. We can't do anything until at least March.
Thanks for any input!