We’ve finalized our travel plans for December, but have question on trains. We decided to drop Prague this trip.
We’ve already booked the Milan to Salzburg Round trips, and have lodging booked. Looking at the OBB app for the other legs and checking to see if I’m missing anything? Do all these need to be booked in advance to avoid increased fares? Or same price day of?
December 20th- SAlzburg to Budapest -€207 (2 people 1 dog) (10:00ish departure) OBB
December 23 - Budapest to Vienna €94 (2 people 1 dog on OBB) every hour./5 hour direct.
December 27- vienna to Salzburg. Looks like westbahn is cheapest at €69 (2 people, 1 dog)
We have tickets for the Vienna boys choir for Christmas Day mass!
Thanks for your help.