My husband and I did it in 2019. My husband never saw The Sound of Music, and was not the least bit interested in seeing the “sights,” but it was a great way to see the city, and then get out into the countryside. We had a family group of a mom, grandmom, 3 kids; and also several couples. Everyone seemed happy—those who wanted a “Sound of Music” experience, and those just out the for the experience. One of the last things we did was to stop by a large field with mountains in the background. The tour guide had speakers and played “The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music” and invited anyone who was so inclined to have their Maria moment, and dance and leap around the field. (My husband took my picture.). The hardest part was riding/walking bikes up past the Hohensalzburg Castle, but soon thereafter, we were at the convent where Maria had lived. It was well-paced for all abilities.
To us, it seem preferable to riding in a bus.