Today, I was listening to this week's episode of Rick's radio show (Program 528a), and in the open question segment, a Texas gentleman vividly describes his brush with pickpockets on a subway in Vienna. As told, he felt something, yelled at two young females behind him, and managed to get his wallet back. I wish I were as fortunate.
On my last day of a week-long visit this month, I lost a significant amount of cash from my wallet, as I walked between the ticket office and the entrance to the Belvedere museum (they are in separate buildings). In retrospect, I realize I made many mistakes: carrying more cash than necessary; revealing the contents of my wallet at the ticket office; and taking too many selfies along the walk. Things would have been far worse if my wallet was not chained to my purse.
When I reported the incident to the ticket office, a manager pointed out that there IS a "beware of pickpockets" sign posted in the office, but suffice it to say that he had to look to find it.
So my ears perked up when I heard the account of the Texan on today's radio show. I checked, and Vienna is currently listed as a low pickpocket risk. Is it possible that that risk assessment needs an adjustment? In any case, beware travelers.