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14.5 Day Trip: Prague -Vienna- Budapest - Berlin - Recommended number of days in each?

I'm planning a trip to Europe - arriving in Prague on a Thursday night and flying out 2 weeks from that Friday (in the morning).
How many days/nights would you recommend in each city? The idea would be to take a night train from Berlin to Budapest (or vice versa depending on which way we go first).
Since the last night we will be in Prague to fly home the next morning, I'm wondering out of the other days, how would you split your time?

This was my first thought:
Prague: Thurs Night - Monday Afternoon
Vienna: Monday Afternoon - Thursday Night
Budapest: Friday Morning - Monday Morning
Berlin: Monday afternoon - Thursday evening
Prague: Thursday evening - Friday morning

Prague - 5 nights, 3.5 days
Vienna - 3 nights, 3 days
Budapest - 3 nights, 3 days
Berlin - 3 nights, 3 days
We are 2 women in our mid-20s and plan to primarily stay in hostels and maybe occasionally AirBnBs. Thanks for your help!

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806 posts

Overall, IMO you have the right amout of time in each city to get have a good experience. Depending on what you like to do, you may have a little more time in Prague that could be well spent in either Berlin or Vienna.

Also, you show leaving Budapest on Monday moring and getting to Berlin on Monday afternoon. It's an 11-12 hour train ride, so more like Monday night.

The is excellent and is very good. The in Prague is very good, but lacks a guest kitchen if that is an important part of your hostel plans. All three are very convenient to walking the city and transportation.

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21691 posts

Its all about the age. Maybe. Not sure. But knowing noting else, I will go with that. If you do (you probably have) some hunting on the internet you will find the lists of European In-places for younger travelers generally includes Prague, Budapest and Berlin. So you seem to have nailed that.

In sheer scope and size of the part of the city generally frequented by tourists Budapest is the largest by a factor of 7, and so the extra day there vs the others makes sense. The smallest tourist area is Prague, but its your arrival city and its got such a good reputation for your age group that the extra day makes sense to get over jet lag and for general interest.

  • Thursday, Arrive Prague
  • Friday, Prague
  • Saturday, Prague
  • Sunday, Prague

Normally I would say that compared to the other stops you are spending too much time in Prague, but you are two ladies in your mid-20’s so I think its about perfect … it holds a lot of attraction to the younger set. Personally, I am not a big fan of Prague, but this isn’t about me.

  • Monday, train to Vienna. Its sort of a long trip, so start as early as possible.
  • Tuesday, Vienna
  • Wednesday, Vienna
  • Thursday, train to Budapest

A change from what you proposed. Vienna isn’t as much a young place as is Prague and Budapest. I just think you will find more that interests you and more to do in Prague and Budapest. Also, sounds like you are on a budget. Vienna is about the 3rd most expensive destination in Europe and Budapest is the least expensive of the places on your list. So unless its going to pay off really, really good, ehhhhh. For the Vienna buffs that are not happy with me now …. I love Vienna …. But I am not in the same category as the OP.

  • Friday, Budapest
  • Saturday, Budapest
  • Sunday, Budapest
  • Monday, morning flight to Berlin

Someone said its an 11 hour train. Probalby so. But its 90 minutes on Ryan or Wizz and prices start at about $30. Dont know why you would take a train? Okay, well, a night train "maybe" but you still lose a lot of time cause you could be out on the town at 8pm instead of heading for the train station.

  • Tuesday, Berlin
  • Wednesday, Berlin
  • Thursday evening, I guess you are leaving ……

I didnt comment on Berlin. And wont. Not my cup of tea, but consistent with the one thing I know about the OP .... age. If you were to give up one day in Budapest, give it up for a day in Berlin. But first read what Berlin is best know for and what Budapest is best known for. Watch some videos ... okay a lot of videos. Then if Berlin screams to you louder than Budapest, spend another day in Berlin.

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21691 posts

plan to primarily stay in hostels and maybe occasionally AirBnBs

From a practical point of view it is difficult to find a well located legal AirBnb in Vienna and Berlin. If you do find something double check it. In Budapest, where they are still operated without too much restructions, there will be a license number in the listing. If there isnt a license number, then move on to another listing. I would assume the legal places in Vienna and Berlin do the same.

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2364 posts

Vienna is about the 3rd most expensive destination in Europe ...

This is not true. Where from do you have this assessment?

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3600 posts

Imo plan 1 more full day for Berlin, strike one in Prague. Choose hostel in Berlin.

I share the doubts about the Vienna price index statement. Credible source?

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6 posts

Hi hi!

I just went to each of these places save Budapest.
“Prague - 5 nights, 3.5 days
Vienna - 3 nights, 3 days
Budapest - 3 nights, 3 days
Berlin - 3 nights, 3 days”

3 days is perfect for each of these except maybe…
Berlin might need another day?
Berlin for me was a staple of my trip, it wasn’t all too exciting but the sheer number of things to see (Holocaust related) and museums to visit required time. The tourist Main Street is huge. That alone takes a day. Rick Steves offers an online episode for the city so you hit all of the sites, I encourage you to check it out. Very good. I saw things I would have never.

In general I think your timeline should suit how you both enjoy to travel. I like popping in and popping back out just to get a taste of the city, if I’ve enjoyed myself I make it back for a deeper look. 3 days (I’ve learned for myself) is generally a good rule of thumb for stopping in new places.

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15304 posts

Staying in hostels is what the vast majority of your contemporaries do.

There is an excellent hostel in Berlin, Vienna and Budapest, most likely that in BP is the best, Wombats Hostel. The Wombats across from Westbahnhof is gone, which is one I always stayed when choosing the hostel option.

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2500 posts

Berlin— like London— is more spread out than the other cities in your itinerary. Because it takes more time just to get around even with the U-Bahn and S-Bahn trains—I would give Berlin 4 nights. Prague is fun, but a much more compact city for attractions and nightlife. Three or four nights in Prague and you’ll be ready to move on.
Budapest is also a city that is really spread out. It also is the least expensive city in your itinerary. So, if partying for a pittance is a priority— Budapest should rise to the top of your list.
Vienna is very compact, and likely the least youth-oriented city in your itinerary. Two or three nights should be plenty.
In Berlin, be sure you get to the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood in what once was East Berlin. It looks much as it did in the 1930’s, and today it’s really a magnet for young Berliners. Prenzlauer Berg, the district just west of Prenzlauer Berg called “Wedding,” and Kreuzberg—-are all great entertainment neighborhoods in Berlin.
Have fun!