My wife and I are considering flying into Wien or Milano, for about 10 days on our own before joining the RSE Northern Italy tour, starting in Padua/Padova late in September. Why should we arrive in Vienna instead of Milan? We spent 4 nights in Wien some years ago, with time spent mostly in Innere Stadt, and want to see more. We are also thinking of time in Klagenfurt, Villach, and Trieste before the tour begins. Other suggestions?
Why Vienna? Of my 54 European vacations, 32 were Austria, 11 days in Vienna (2 more this fall).
Klagenfurt, Villach, and Trieste imply you would travel S/SW from Vienna. That is the least scenic & least touristically interesting part of Austria (that includes Klagenfurt, Villach). Rent a car. Basic route is Vienna to Salzburg, about 3 hrs nonstop, but stop at Krems, Melk, St Florian, Wilhering, Mauthousen (skip Linz), Salzkammergut. AFter Salzburg, head SSE to Italy via Gosausee, Hallstatt, Dachstein. Wherever time runs out, hop on the expressways & get to Italy fast.