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Reviews only

Regarding all the non review postings in this section. Maybe the heading should be changed to Reviews Only ( in caps..webmaster won't let me use caps)! Suggestions? Am I being too picky?

Posted by
2177 posts

I’m not sure I understand what you are asking but I can use all caps. Not sure why you can’t?

Posted by
9436 posts

I agree. I don’t understand why people don’t understand what “Reviews” means.

Posted by
1345 posts

I think part of the problem is this board has so few moderators and they’re usually busy cleaning up all the spam that gets posted here. Then, they’ll focus on trying to clean up threads that get hijacked or get political. So, there just isn’t a lot of time for them to move threads from one forum to another.

Frankly; I’d suggest just eliminating the reviews section. They can either go on trip reports or the country specific forum. It’s pretty rare that I wander down here myself and I’m fairly active. Just lock the forum down to new posts and allow it to be read for a year or so. That’ll prevent the ‘how do I get to the airport’ misposts that end up here.

Posted by
8126 posts

So is all-lower-case the same as whispering?

You’re right, though, that reviews should be a review. I also don’t wander down to this section of the Forum that often. Would replacing “reviews” with “ratings” be clearer? Maybe “ratings” imply a 5-star system, and wouldn’t invite people to describe how/why they review or rate a place a certain way.

Posted by
11902 posts

I think it is an excellent idea, Kateja. Or, as Dale suggested, just lock it down and let the endorsements land in the country sections.

Posted by
9436 posts

Kateja, caps on any forum is considered yelling. It’s bad etiquette. It’s considered rude, and i agree. But i see lots of caps on this forum.

Posted by
347 posts

i like the all lower-case concept as here i am doing so. i am reluctant to use a period as it may be too loud.

i also had to resist an exclamation point.

if i could only change th font size to 4, you would really know i was whispering.

yes, i agree, it appears i have too much time on my hands.

Posted by
1345 posts

I’m even more convinced that we need to reduce the number of forums. There’s a question about old travellers cheques in the walking shoes forum. I didn’t even know we had a walking shoes forum and I question the need why.

Posted by
586 posts

I was only suggesting that REVIEWS be in caps. I was not "shouting". I just thought that it might catch the attention of those that are posting inquiries in the reviews section. Noted this reviews just questions.
I love the Traveler's forum. I'm just throwing out a suggestion. (not shouting).

PS. Oh look I was able to slip in a word in all caps.

Posted by
9436 posts

Lower case is not whispering. It is talking at a normal volume. People are actually more receptive to lower case vs all caps - which is the equivalent of being yelled at.

And yes, some people also use too many exclamation points.

Most people on the RS forums are older, over 60, and many do not know the etiquette of online forums.

Posted by
15806 posts

Many people who are new to the site don't take the time to read the few clear instructions that are available. Right between the big heading "Tips & Trip Reports" and the drop-down "Select Your Category" box is the short sentence: Discuss your latest trip and share your top travel tips. It is clear, short, unambiguous. Yet there are a lot of questions posed there that belong in the Destination Q&A section.

I don't think anyone can expect the RS staff to go through all the threads that are mis-posted and the ones Kateja brings up aren't the only ones.

Often, folks suggest to the OP that they should re-post on the relevant forum to get more help, some take that advice, others don't. People who don't read short, simple instructions are likely to get poor results. That's their problem. You can lead a horse to water . . .

Posted by
1345 posts

On other messages boards, you can use the report feature to not only report spam but also just for a wrong forum.

It’s common on one of my motorcycles forums. Someone will post a dirt bike question in a cruiser forum, for example. The mods will move it usually but if they don’t see it, you can report it and it’ll get moved when a mod logs on.