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International (Virtual) Travel Meeting - Sunday Oct. 4 @ 9:30 a.m. Pacific Time

It’s time for another International Travel Meeting. If you enjoy talking about travel and interacting with others that share the same passion this is the place for you. I was thinking about those of you that don't have local groups to meet with when I started this, though all are welcome.

There will be a limit to the number of participants. It has been determined that more than 25 is too many. You must reply to this thread to be invited. The first 24 people to respond will be admitted to the meeting. I can send more invites in case any of the those 24 people don't log in. We will have a 10 minute grace period starting at 9:30 a.m. After that any others still in the 'waiting room' can be admitted, up to 24 people. Last month everyone in the waiting room was admitted because some of the first 24 people didn’t log in.

Each month there will be a couple of topics to discuss. More suggestions are welcome for future months. Of course we will discuss other things as well.

Topics -

Do you travel with electronic devices and guidebooks? If yes, how do you manage chargers and multiple books?

What are your favorite under the radar destinations?

Please let me know in a reply to this post or with a PM if you are interested. I will then email the Zoom meeting link. If you participated previously I already have your email address. If you haven’t you will need to send it in a PM.

See you on the 4th!

Posted by
3921 posts

Count me in! I love talking about travel, heck after all this staying home I will talk to people about anything. Thank you for doing these zoom meetings Andrea.

Posted by
1307 posts

Hi Andrea --
I'd love to come as well.
Thanks as always for hosting this.

Posted by
1782 posts

Hi Andrea, please add me to the list, thanks!

Posted by
33023 posts

we'd like to come in. We have a meeting into the afternoon that day (early hours in California) and then I may be working on plans for a funeral.

I have to see how the timing goes.

Love the topics

Posted by
19123 posts

Andrea, you already have my email address, I think. Please include me.

Posted by
11414 posts

Please count me in, too! I will PM you with email.

Posted by
3972 posts

Hi Andrea could you add us to the zoom meeting, space dependent?

Posted by
2515 posts

Please do include me, too - I'm growing attached to this group!

Posted by
293 posts

Hi, Andrea. I’d love to attend. I think that you have my email address from your previous international meeting. Thanks!

Posted by
5255 posts

Hi Andrea,

Please count me in too!
Thanks for organizing this meeting!

Posted by
3049 posts

Hi, this sounds like fun, I'm happy to contribute to the discuss from across the pond. And as a night owl, 12:30 a.m. works great for me! I'll pm you my email.

Posted by
10288 posts

Sarah, you won’t have to stay up that late! The meeting will be at 18:30 your time.

Posted by
10288 posts

Everyone that has replied to me on this post, in a PM or other methods should have received the Zoom link with the exception of one person who has not provided me with her email address. Please let me know if you haven’t received yours.

We are up to 19 people at this point. In past months not all who responded actually logged into the meeting and I expect that will happen again. I understand things happen, but if something comes up and you know you won’t be attending I would appreciate it if you can let me know. That way others who would like to attend won’t have to hang out in the meeting waiting room unnecessarily.

Posted by
5697 posts

Oops! I missed this post earlier, but please add me to the list.

Posted by
989 posts

Please add me if there is still room. Good topics! I’m sorry I missed this again last month.

Posted by
307 posts

I’d like to join again if there’s still room, thank you!

Posted by
10288 posts

The request from mln has filled up the last slot. If anyone is still interested please let me know. I’m pretty sure some people won’t be able to participate after all and slots will open up. I will send the link to everyone that requests one. Please see the original post to see how this will be handled. Again, to anyone who got the link and discover they can’t attend the meeting I would appreciate you letting me know as soon as possible.

Posted by
989 posts

Oh my goodness, thank you Diane for the alert about my typo! I just fixed it.
Looking forward to this meeting. Sorry I missed the last one without giving notice!

Posted by
10288 posts

No problem, Karen. I appreciate advance notice, but sometimes things happen. I get it.

Posted by
10288 posts

I’m bumping this up to see if anyone else is interested. I’m confident that we will have room for everyone.

Posted by
5697 posts

One Zoom slot opening up for today -- I will have to skip this meeting, but look forward to seeing everyone next month.

Posted by
10288 posts

Thanks for letting us know Lauri.

Posted by
5255 posts

Thanks for hosting this wonderful travel meeting, Andrea!

It was fun meeting everyone! : )

Posted by
4239 posts

Thanks for another great meeting, everyone! It’s always fun and I always learn something new!

Posted by
10288 posts

Another interesting meeting today. We heard how things are on the ground in France, Germany, England and Mexico, which was very informative. We covered other topics as well. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone next month.

As I predicted, we had people who wanted to attend today that didn’t make it.

Posted by
2084 posts

Andrea, I sent you an email after midnight. I hope you got it to give my spot to someone on the waiting list.

Posted by
33023 posts

what a wonderful time I had - sorry had to leave before the end.

Perhaps next time I will have lots of positive news from here.

Hope your air quality improves very soon

Posted by
754 posts

I really enjoyed myself this morning. Thank you, Andrea, for hosting!

Posted by
989 posts

Thanks for the meeting again, and thanks Andrea for organizing this. It was really interesting to hear the updates of what was going on in different places. Thanks Bets and Lane for the little glimpses of your places, too! I’m sorry I had to get off before hearing more of the electronics ideas and under the radar places.

Posted by
2515 posts

Wow, this was a great meeting that went on and on and on :-)
Thanks Andrea for getting us together and for everyone who reported on their local situations -
so much to envy and aspire towards.

Posted by
293 posts

This was such an interesting meeting hearing from a number of people in various ex-US countries talk about what it’s like where they are now. Sorry that I had to leave a little early but I had another Zoom event afterwards and needed to squeeze in lunch.

Thanks for organizing this, Andrea!

Posted by
5697 posts

Wow! Sounds like I missed a great and informative meeting!
Travel tip -- make sure you hold on tightly on a moving bus : I lost my balance and fell, resulting in two fractured ribs (confirmed by x-ray this morning instead of Zooming with you guys) ... and this was only 10 miles from home.

Posted by
3972 posts

Oh Lauri take care! We’ve been there before after an icy skiing mishap on the same trip. We had a rule about not making each other laugh. Don’t let Ed tell any jokes and take it easy.

Posted by
10288 posts

Lauri, I’m so sorry to hear about your injury. I’m wishing you a speedy recovery and I hope you can join us on the 17th.

Posted by
5697 posts

Thanks, all -- much better with time (and pain pills) I plan to join the meeting on the 17th.
Also added to my travel first-aid kit : packaged lidocaine patches.